Floor Tile (LI 270)

@dataset{LI 270,
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { LI 270 },
url = { https://hdl.handle.net/11222/archaeo3data.2766 },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-16" }
Loskotová, I.  , LI 270, Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, dataset, viewed 16 March 2025,
Artefact ID: LI 270
Artefact ID type: inventory number
Held by: Státní hrad Lipnice (institution)
Artefact category: floor tile
Description in Czech: Centrálně umístěný erb zkřížených ostrví (Ronovci – páni z Lipé) v gotickém štítě vepsaném do čtverce po obvodu výrobku tvořeného motivem vegetabilních úponků.
Description: The coat of arms with crossed raguly (Ronovci-Lipé family) in a Gothic escutcheon inscribed in the centre of a square-shaped tile bordure composed of vegetal tendril motifs.
Site: Lipnice nad Sázavou
49.6142369, 15.4129008

WGS84 Geolocation: 49.6142369, 15.4129008
Finding context (type): household waste
Absolute datation range: 14th century (1300-1399)
Relief: flat (in cartouche)
Raw material: ceramics
Surface finishing:
Finishing/Povrch Colour/Barva

Link to 3D model: https://sketchfab.com/vojtanosek/collections/dlazdice
  1. Holub, P. – Hložek, M. 2021: Reliéfní dlaždice – Relief floor tiles. In: Zdroje a šíření vybraných komodit keramické produkce vrcholného a pozdního středověku – Sources and Distribution of Selected High and Late Medieval Pottery Products (Loskotová, I. ed.), Tab. 1, ID D20. Brno. https://doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9920-2021

Analyses of this object

Displaying 1 of 1 analyses

optical microscopy

Analysis of: Sample 1
Instrument used: polarizing microscope BX51
Analysed by: Martin Hložek
Binder type: heterogeneous
Non-plastic inclusion Type
alkali feldspar Minerals
biotite Minerals
quartz Minerals
muscovite Minerals
plagioclase Minerals
aplite Rocks
slate Rocks
granitoid Rocks
cataclasite Rocks
quartzite Rocks
metaquartzite Rocks
mylonite Rocks
sandstone Rocks
iron oxide-hydroxide klasts Rocks
Grain type: medium grain
Grog : Binder: 1:6
Firing temperature: 900 °C
Microstructure: all directions
Porosity: 6%


Úlomek křemence v mikrostruktuře keramického střepu, PPL, XPL/ quartzite fragment in the microstructure of the ceramic shard, PPL, XPL, foto M. Hložek.