Floor Tile (no id)

@dataset{no id,
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { no id },
url = { https://hdl.handle.net/11222/archaeo3data.2747 },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-16" }
Loskotová, I.  , no id, Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, dataset, viewed 16 March 2025,
Artefact ID: no id
Held by: Jihomoravské muzeum ve Znojmě (institution)
Artefact category: floor tile
Description in Czech: Redukčně pálený zlomek dlaždice s motivem gryfa. Původně snad malého formátu (cca 120x120 mm).
Description: Reduction fired fragment of a floor tile with the motif of a griffin. Originally maybe a small format tile (120x120 mm).
Site: Znojmo, minoritský klášter
48.8571342, 16.0454578

WGS84 Geolocation: 48.8571342, 16.0454578
Finding context (type): household waste
Absolute datation range: 13th century (1200-1299)
Relief: flat (whole area)
Raw material: ceramics
Link to 3D model: https://sketchfab.com/vojtanosek/collections/dlazdice
  1. Holub, P. – Hložek, M. 2021: Reliéfní dlaždice – Relief floor tiles. In: Zdroje a šíření vybraných komodit keramické produkce vrcholného a pozdního středověku – Sources and Distribution of Selected High and Late Medieval Pottery Products (Loskotová, I. ed.), Tab. 1, ID D19. Brno. https://doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9920-2021

Analyses of this object

Displaying 1 of 1 analyses

optical microscopy

Analysis of: Sample 1
Instrument used: polarizing microscope BX51
Analysed by: Martin Hložek
Binder type: heterogeneous
Non-plastic inclusion Type
alkali feldspar Minerals
amphibole Minerals
biotite Minerals
quartz Minerals
plagioclase Minerals
aplite Rocks
biotite slate Rocks
mudstone Rocks
cataclasite Rocks
quartzite Rocks
ferrous sandstone Rocks
Grain type: medium grain
Firing temperature: 800 °C
Microstructure: fluidal
Porosity: 6%


Úlomek pískovce s Fe tmelem v mikrostruktuře keramického střepu, PPL, XP/ fragment of sandstone with Fe-cement in the microstructure of the ceramic shard, PPL, XPLL, foto M. Hložek.